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·         Accommodation-dependent model of the human eye with aspherics; R. Navarro, J. Santamaría, and J. Bescós; Opt. Soc. Am. A. Vol 2, Nº8/August 1985. pag. 1273-1281.
·         A finite-element analysis model of orbital biomechanic; Sander Schutte..; Vision Research 46 (2006) 1724-1731.
·         Anatomically accurate, finite model eye for optical modeling; Hwey-Lan Liou and Noel A. Brennan; J. OPt. Am. A/ Vol. 14, Nº8/ August 1997 (pag. 1684-1694)
·         Functional Anatomy of Normal Huma Rectus Muscle; Joel M. Miller; Vision Research, Vol 29, Nº2, (1989) 223-240
Regional Elastic Performance of the Human Cornea; Jesper O.Hjortdal; J. Biomechanics, Vol 29, Nº7, (1996) 931-942.


·          Anatomía e Histología del Ojo; H. Saraux, C. Lemansson, H. Offret, E. Renard (Traducción de Ana Bruix Toro e Inés Gabarró Miquel).
·    Clinical Anatomy of the Eye; Richard S.Snell, Michael A.Lemp
·    Fundamentos de la Visión Binocular; Álvaro M. Pons Moreno, Francisco M. Martines Verdú.
·    Ocular Anatomy and Physiology, Trygne Sanda.
·    Óptica Fisiologica Clínica; E. Gil del Rio.
·    The Human Eye Structure and Function; Clyde W.
·    Análisis Matricial de Estructuras en Ordenadores Personales Compatibles; F. Moran Cabre.
·    Mecánica Clasica; H. Goldstein.
·    Introduction to Tensor Calculus and Continuum Mechanics; J. H. Heinbockel.


Francisco Abadia Molina

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